Certificat medical

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Certificat medical par Dromeus (invité) (128.246.9.xxx) le 21/05/07 à 13:52:39

bon jour et excusez pour ecrire en anglais

since 1999 the medical certificate is obligatory in France (alternativly licence). besides the question, if it is really enforced by any race director, my question is: did it really work? Is there any statistical evidence, that requiring this certificate did prevent fatalities? are there now less deaths in french road races?

merci pour votre response

Certificat medical par Olivier (invité) (81.246.91.xxx) le 21/05/07 à 14:00:31

Hi Michael !

Just come in Belgium... no certif. required !



Certificat medical par rick12 (invité) (89.80.122.xxx) le 21/05/07 à 14:27:22

Hi Dromeus
I do agree with you: it sucks!
It serves no purpose, except for a few low shady politicians who tried to get some exposure by bringing upon this non sense regulation, supposely in order to protect the public.
Bullshit let me tell you!
Everytime I read about it, I post my diatribe against it, and I'd like to get more followers on the way.
As for me, my medical is always a fake one that I print out myself.
As for the races, it's always enforced, but never checked!
Except in case of big trouble, I s'ppose...

Certificat medical par Julos (membre) (134.157.198.xxx) le 21/05/07 à 14:38:19

Hi Mickael,

I am not so sure that this system sucks... actually it depends on the doctor you have. You have every kind of behaviors, from neglectfullness to manic checking but I think, at average, you have better probabililties that any cardiac problems are detected, this is just a logic argument...

I remember a doctor that precribed an ElectroCardioGram and a test on a bicycle... around 150 euros ! It's probably excessive (I was 23 years old) but probably necessary too when you are reaching 40.


Certificat medical par rick12 (invité) (89.80.122.xxx) le 21/05/07 à 18:15:51

"I remember a doctor that precribed an ElectroCardioGram and a test on a bicycle... around 150 euros ! It's probably excessive (I was 23 years old) but probably necessary too when you are reaching 40."

Following your opinion, it's not excessive at all...
Everybody should go through a full medical check up if you want to give some credit to that regulation.
Age is no factor.
At 17, I have had a licence for full blown competition in Boxe Française and we had to do the full cardio.
My best buddy flanked it! His age: 17 as well!
If you want to protect the public, you should go full stream, for everyone, old or young....

Certificat medical par 13mile (membre) (85.69.83.xxx) le 21/05/07 à 18:51:24

Capichi nienté??????????

Certificat medical par piermer (invité) (62.147.73.xxx) le 21/05/07 à 19:05:56

Hi Dromus !
There is no statistical evidence as far as we cannot get inputs from dedicated sport/ medical documents on that subject.( if any can be provided , i'll appreciate)
We can deduct that any medical action can prevent fatalities ... since the medical check in as been effectively and properly done ... (?????
*are there less deaths in french road races .. my dear Dromus we can cross fingers , it's personnal story!!!

Certificat medical par mading25 (invité) (84.233.214.xxx) le 02/09/10 à 13:58:20

Fraichement arrivé du Canada, laissez moi vous dire que ca me fait chier de devoir aller chercher ce certificat, avec mon historique de courses avec plusieurs marathons sous la ceinture. Bref, complètement inutile.

Certificat medical par (invité) (80.13.29.xxx) le 02/09/10 à 13:59:21

ça c'est du déterrement de post! 2007!

ah bravo!

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